Passive House Award

 In the face of ad­van­cing cli­mate change, en­ergy ef­fi­cient build­ing is now im­port­ant than ever. The "2021 Pass­ive House Award" will show how the Pass­ive House stand­ard can be im­ple­men­ted in an ar­chi­tec­tur­ally soph­ist­ic­ated and ver­sat­ile way. An in­ter­na­tion­al jury will ex­am­ine the entries and judge them on cri­ter­ia such as design, cost-ef­fect­ive­ness, in­nov­a­tion, en­ergy sup­ply and sus­tain­ab­il­ity. The win­ners will be presen­ted at an awards ce­re­mony as part of the 25th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce.



Award Cri­ter­ia:

The jury will con­sider the com­pleted Pass­ive House pro­jects and the con­text they were de­signed and con­struc­ted in. An em­phas­is will be put on the ar­chi­tec­tur­al design, in­clud­ing all en­ergy ef­fi­ciency as­pects. Cost ef­fi­ciency will be con­sidered in re­la­tion to loc­al stand­ar­ds. Cli­mate con­sid­er­a­tions, leg­al hurdles and oth­er chal­lenges will also be in­cluded in the ev­al­u­ation. The abil­ity to rep­lic­ate a pro­ject is also im­port­ant - in the case of neigh­bour­hoods, for ex­ample, with re­gard to polit­ic­al re­quire­ments or fin­an­cial in­cent­ives.

Sub­mis­sion Cri­ter­ia:

The award has an in­ter­na­tion­al fo­cus; all build­ing types may be sub­mit­ted. The com­pet­i­tion aims to award prizes to par­tic­u­larly well-de­signed Pass­ive House build­ings and their de­sign­ers.

Con­di­tions of par­ti­cip­a­tion:

  • The pro­ject ar­chi­tect / de­sign­er should make the sub­mis­sion.
  • All build­ings cer­ti­fied as Pass­ive House, Low En­ergy Build­ing or En­erPHit and in use be­fore spring 2021 can par­ti­cip­ate.
  • Dis­tricts can par­ti­cip­ate even if they are still in the de­vel­op­ment phase. The de­cis­ive factor here is, above all, an in­teg­rated en­ergy sup­ply concept with a fo­cus on en­ergy ef­fi­ciency. The pro­ject must also be re­gistered in the Pass­ive House data­base at:
  • All build­ings that re­ceived an award in one of the pre­vi­ous Pass­ive House Awards (2014 Pass­ive House Award, Ar­chitek­tur­pre­is 2010 Passivhaus) are ex­cluded from par­ti­cip­a­tion. The ex­act com­pet­i­tion cat­egor­ies will be de­term­in­ed by the jury de­pend­ing on the sub­mis­sions.

Sub­mis­sion dead­line:

The sub­mis­sion of entries is pos­sible un­til June 01, 2021.


More information please refer to 2021 PAssive Houes Award