Passive House Institute -Chinese Licterature

Passive House Institute has been dedicated several years in how we use Passive House Standard in the different China climate zone. We have published three literatures and you can now explore how the Passive House implementation/ development in China with the online book. 
You can click here to view more our Publication! You can visit our Passipedia to see the latest Passive House sources and articles!

1. Active for more comfort: Passive House (Review the licture by clicking the book) 


2. Passive House Designe and implementation ( (Review the licture by clicking the book)

3.Passive Houses in Chinese Climates  ( Please contact us if you want to buy the litercture, 50 Euro) 


Free technical literature and project report:
Most of the technical literature and project reports in the following categories are available for downloading as PDF files. These are indicated with  pdf. Distribution or reproduction of the contents is permitted provided the source is cited. Acrobat Reader will be required n order to open the PDF files.

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Please note that all publications listed, unless marked with (EN), are available in German only; the titles of these publications have been translated here for your information only.
The  International Passive House Association (iPHA) is working to translate the most important findings into English and make them available through  Passipedia, the online Passive House resource.The aim of Chinese literatures is mainly to help reader to have better understanding of original German/English literatures. Passive House Institute only recognzies the original English/German version, and doesn't take reponsibilty for translated literature.