25th International Passive House Conference - Successful & Inspiring
The 25th International Passive House Conference was broadcasted live from Wuppertal, Germany on September 10-12th, 2021. On September 14-15 was Online Conference, there were more than 60 sessions, hundreds of professional speakers, consultants, architects, scholars, exhibitors from all over the world participate in the annual events!
This year conference was cooperated with Nordhein-Westfale EnergieAgentur and the city of Wuppertal.The minister for Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of NRW - Mr. Andreas Pinkwart and the Mayor of the city of Wuppertal - Mr. Ume Schneidewind gave the insight speeches of the opening ceremony. The Vice-Chair of Working Group III of IPCC and Professor at the Central European University (CEU) - Ms. Diana Ürge-Vorsatz has given an inspiring speech on Climate Changes. Up to date, we all have experienced the increasing global heating, we should all take immediate action, especially in the architecture industry!
September 10-11th broadcasted from Wuppertal - Passive House Standard is all over the world!
September 10-11th broadcasted from the historical City Hall of Wuppertal in Germany. The conference has been separated into two parts, the first part was live broadcasted and the activities include, Opening ceremony, Two-days sessions, a Passive House Award, and 30 Passive House Anniversary. The two-days session has discussed diverse Passive House topics, from Highly efficient districts, Passive Public Housing, Summer comfort and cooling concepts, Ecological construction materials, Energy consultant for buildings in Germany, and Prefabricated retrofitting: The outPHit project. The two-days sessions have invited hundreds of speakers from all over the world to discuss Passive House. The session contents have been translated all into English and aim to bring the Passive House technology to more broad public. More information about Sessions and Speakers.
The 25th International Passive House Award : Find out amazing awardees
After postponing two years, the Passive House Award has been successfully hosted this year together with 25th International Passive House Conference. The organizer has invited the professional jury, including Principle and founding member of Handel Architects - Deborah Moelis, Associate Professor at the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra (ETSAUN) - Ana Sánchez-Ostiz, advisory board of Federal Environment Agency and the UNECE - Burkhard Schulze Darup, member of RIBA - Tom Wright,director of the Institute of Architecture and Technology at Tsinghua University - Yehao Song, Passive House Institute - Dragoș Arnăutu and Corinna Geiger. This year, we have received more than hundreds of excellent projects, after intensive discussion, the jury has selected 20 final projects. The awardees of the 2021 Passive House Award have been announced from Wuppertal, Germany on Friday, September 10, 2021. There are 6 winners of different architect projects, 4 Special awards, and 4 special recognitions. 2021 Passive House Awardees Here. 2021 Passive House Award Press release.
Passive House 30 Anniversary
This year is the 30 years of Passive House and 25 years of Passive House Institute! Since 1990 the first Passive House was built in Kranichstein, Germany, and today we can see how the Passive House Standard are implemented in all over the world. On 30 anniversary’s celebration, Passive House manager director - Jürgen Schneiderand Passive House senior journalist -Katrin Krämer has shared their valuable experiences with us. We also bring the cake to share the happiness with everyone at Wuppertal.
September 12th Passive House Building Tour - Wuppertal:
How to implement Passive House Standard
On September 12th, 2021,the Passive House Building Tour was guided by Passive House senior researcher - Susanne Theume and she explained with professional insight about the Passive House projects in Wuppertal. The tour introduces a single-family prefabricated house, a new extension of the school project,inner-city new building with residential and commercial use, and new student apartments.
September 14- 15 Passive House Online Conference
On September 14-15 was the second part of the 25th International Passive House Conference, a two-day session has attracted founders of Passive House experts to get together and discuss online diverse Passive House topics. On September 14th, Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner has given the speech about „The Future of Buildings: Technological Change to protect Climate and Wellbeing“. Furthermore, the sessions have discussed Ventilation and heating, International Passive House Project, Future prospects - communication and dissemination, Energy-efficient non-residential building, and Recommendation on how to implement: Passive House Standard. Future topic refers to HERE.
September 1 to September 16 Passive House Online Exhibition.
This year the Passive House Exhibition was hosted online and has attracted Passive House components from all over the world. This year exhibition includes SIGA/ Pro clima/ Rothoblaas/ Wolf/ GIH/ Joulia/ Meltem/ Pichler/ Smartwin/ Schöck/ SONNENHAUS INSTITUT E.V./Swissspace/ Technoform/ 1000WB. Apart from the online exhibitions, there are informative and diverse actives during the exhibition period, for example, Component Impulse Talk Session and Exhibition Tour. It aims to let the global participates understand well the high-efficient of Passive House components.
Online Press Conference
On September 15 Passive House Institute has hosted the online Press Conference and invited the global media. At the press conference, Prof. Dr. Feist has given a speech and refers that in 2021 the world can be divided into 2 polar parts. One is fully supported new development and new world, another is realizing the limitation of the resources and has deepened research on how to develop the limited resources and focused on energy-efficient implementation. In recent years, diverse renovation and retrofit projects have been aroused in both government and people attenuation. With the project, it can not only reach high efficiency but also save cost. Passive House Institute manager director - Dr. Jürgen Schneiders demonstrates reliable data and researches to prove the Passive House technology. It shows how Passive House can bring a Win-Win situation to the building sectors.
25th International Passive House Conference - Publication
PHPP 10 Conference Proceeding (English/German)